Thursday, October 15, 2009


Attention Deficit Disorder
ADD is known a a biological brain based condition. It is characterized by bad distraction and attention skills. It is also characterized by impulsive and hyperactive behaviors.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD is the official name used by the American Psychiatric Associations and it surrounds hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive behaviors.

  • Both terms are used interchangeably for those who do and those who do not have symptoms of impulsiveness and hyperactivity.

  • "It is estimated 3-5 percent of preschool and school age children have ADD or ADHD or approximately two million children in the United States"

Having a hard time concentrating
Mental focus
Careless or disorganized
Can't follow directions
Speak before thinking
Have a slow time processing information
Interference of impulses/behaviors are pervasive and chronic and usually affect an individuals daily function settings
- Examples : At home, school, relationships, or work.
Or even lose things a lot.
These symptoms are seen in early childhood usually through school. The symptoms can affect through adulthood and if it is untreated it can lead to poor behavior, social relationships and bad performance in school or work and low confidence. In order for a child to meet the diagnostic criteria for ADD or ADHD their symptoms have to be to much then what would be appropriate for the child's age and educational level. Some inattentive symptoms are also over looked because they are harder to identify and not as disruptive.

Exact cause has not been determined. This condition can thought to be through genetics. ADHD also tends to occur within family members. Close relatives are 5 times greater at having ADD or ADHD. Boys are also three times more likely to be diagnosed as children. Studies focus on genes that may cause a person to be more affected of getting ADD or ADHD.
Risk Factors
Genetics and hereditary are the major risk factors because it can run in the family.
Structural differences
Brain Abnormalities
Struggle in school/work

No major cure but there are alternatives. For example counseling, support services, and educational support services. There are medications that can help reduce symptoms like Adderall,Concerta, and many more. Settings that are structured and motivating also help. There is also social skill training with helps individuals learn more appropriate behaviors and better ways to interact with others.

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