Monday, September 28, 2009

Comparing and Contrasting Public/Private Schools

Now a days people have an option of where their child goes to school. The two most popular picks are either a town public school or a private school. When it comes to sending a child to either of these kinds of schools, there is a lot to look in to. A school is not just a place to send your child to learn it is an place and environment that will fit a child's needs. Private schools and public schools are both great options, but they are very different.

Public Schools
  • The first thing to look at is enrollment. A public school will take every child, and it has to by law let any child be apart of the school. They do not charge tuition. The only thing that must be done is to fill out the necessary paperwork for your child to be registered.

  • Each teacher must follow all federal state law when it comes to teaching. An example of this is curriculum. The curriculum for a public school is very basic and general. Each teacher teaches math, English, reading, science, physical education, reading, and writing. They also are involved with teaching art and music.

  • When it comes to the teachers of a public school they are state certified and that basically means that they have gone through some training by the state. (example: student teaching).

  • Public schools brings a huge diversity of different children. The children are from the local community of where the school is located. Sometimes students are split up in to different classrooms by certain ability or interests.
  • Children with learning disabilities are very much taken care of in a public school. There are special education laws that they have to follow and they must take in all children. Public schools have special education programs and trained teachers who take care in working with those children.
  • The size of a public school classroom is small, but when the grades get higher and students get older they tend to get bigger.
Private Schools

  • To get into a private school it cost money. They are funded through tuition fund raising, donations, and grants. They are also selective when it comes to admitting students in. It is competitive to get in and they do not have to let everyone in.

  • Like public schools, private schools do not have to follow state regulations. They are able to make up their own curriculum. The curriculum is very flexible and they are allows to go on trips with the children put lessons together.

  • The teachers that teach in a private school do not have to have certification. They just need to have an undergraduate or graduate degree.

  • The students that are part of a private school must apply and be accepted to the school in order to go there. They can be from different communities but share the same interests.

  • A lot of private schools do not have a special education program and they do not have to admit a child with special needs. They although have other resources for children and do try to help everyone.

  • The classroom sizes are always small and they are big on focusing on individual attention.

There are a lot of differences when it comes to public and private schools. The most important thing is to pick which one will better fit your child. They are both great schools and children learn a lot no matter which one they are in, but the main focus is of the interest of the child.

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